Charitable Giving

Bertha Bartlett Library, Story City

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Give Where You Live

We are grateful for the generosity of supporters in our communities who invest in our mission and vision to help our communities thrive through a legacy of philanthropy.

The Story County Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines and operates under the 501 (c) (3) designation of the CFGDSM. All funds are held and invested with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines. All donations to any fund under the SCCF Family of Funds umbrella will be deposited in the fund account with the CFGDSM. 

Ways to Give

The Story Community Foundation accepts a variety of gift types to support charitable giving funds and meet your giving goals in tax-wise ways. While cash is a very generous gift, we are here to work alongside you and your professional advisors to maximize your giving using currently held assets:

  • Outright Gift of Securities
  • Gift of Real Estates
  • Gift of Retirement Assets
  • Outright Gift of Personal Property
  • Gift of Life Insurance
  • Retained Life Estate Bequest


Cash is one of the easiest ways to establish a fund or add to an existing fund at a community foundation.

Shares of Business Interest

Shares of Business Interest allow the donor to receive the maximum tax deduction allowed and avoid capital gains tax. Business interests can be used as part of a planned succession or a sale to an outside party.

IRA Charitable Rollover

IRA Charitable Rollover is available for individuals 70 ½ and older to use the required minimum distribution from their individual retirement accounts and give to the causes they care about.

Appreciated Stock Gifts

Appreciated Stock Gifts help the donor avoid capital gains taxes and earn a charitable tax deduction based on market value. The gift is then used to establish a fund or is added to an existing fund that benefits the local causes and organizations the donor cares about most.

Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment that has been depreciated provides an opportunity to avoid recapturing the sale proceeds as ordinary income when given to the community foundation.


Grain allows the donor to support organizations and communities while enjoying the tax advantages of not claiming the sale of the grain as income.

Real Estate Gifts

Real Estate Gifts provide an opportunity for the donor to receive the maximum tax deduction allowed and avoid capital gains tax. Real estate includes personal, commercial and vacation properties.


Bequests establish charitable giving funds through a donor’s will. In doing so, the donor is able to distribute some or all of his/her assets tax free.

Insurance Policies

Insurance Policies can benefit a fund at the community foundation.


Farmland can be sold or retained with the community foundation and provides an opportunity for donors to avoid capital gains tax, while also realizing a deduction on the fair market value of the land.

Retirement Plans

Retirement Plans allow the donor to name a charitable giving fund at the community foundation as a beneficiary of assets.

Life Estates

Life Estates allow a donor to give a residence or farmland but retain its use and the rental income over their lifetime. Donors create a future gift to charity, continue to benefit from the asset and receive a partial tax deduction now.