Habitat for Humanity, Ames
The Story County Community Foundation will award multiple grants for projects that significantly improve or affect the lives of those living in Story County communities. Please refer to the Grant Application Eligibility information in order to ensure you have the best chance of submitting a successful application.
Grant Information:
Timeline Information for Community Grant Applicants:
Grants are made only to Story County – based nonprofit organizations recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt, nonprofit, public charities under section 501(c)(3) or as a “unit of government” under Section 170(c)(1) – agencies that conduct activities to benefit the public at large. These may include public schools, state universities, public libraries, fire and rescue, and other municipal departments. If your agency does not have the IRS status, it may be possible for another agency to serve as a fiscal sponsor.
Previous grant recipients that have a current extension on an existing grant or that haven’t submitted a final report for a previously funded grant are not eligible to apply for any of our grants.
While we would like to fund all applications we review, our grant funds are limited. Preference will be given to organizations who have not be awarded a grant in the past three years.
Grant proposals that address one or more of the following objectives will be considered:
Grant Information: Grant requests of $10,000 – $25,000 will be considered.
In addition to our Community Betterment Objectives, in the Major Grant we are looking for a project which:
addresses significant community issues
presents an innovative, creative, and practical proposal that builds on community strengths
presents a clear work plan that shows the ability to achieve the project’s goals
encourages cooperation, creates efficiencies and reduces duplication of services
develops the leadership potential of the community
involves the people served in the planning and implementation of the project
demonstrates quality, vision, collaboration and good management
provides a plan for sustainability beyond the funding period
Timeline Information for Major Grant Applicants:
Grants are made only to Story County – based nonprofit organizations recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt, nonprofit, public charities under section 501(c)(3) or as a “unit of government” under Section 170(c)(1) – agencies that conduct activities to benefit the public at large. These may include public schools, state universities, public libraries, fire and rescue, and other municipal departments. If your agency does not have the IRS status, it may be possible for another agency to serve as a fiscal sponsor.
Previous grant recipients that have a current extension on an existing grant or that haven’t submitted a final report for a previously funded grant are not eligible to apply for any of our grants.
While we would like to fund all applications we review, our grant funds are limited. Preference will be given to organizations who have not be awarded a grant in the past three years.
Grant proposals that address one or more of the following objectives will be considered:
The Story County Community Foundation makes grants to nonprofits or governmental organizations with funds held under the umbrella of the Story County Community Foundation. These grants are to help grow the funds held at Story County Community Foundation.
Grant Information:
Applications must include the following information:
The organizational need addressed with the Capacity Building Grant
Anticipated results of the project and how it impacts the future of the organization
Timeline for the project
Board commitment to the project, both financially and in terms of participation
Budget, including other sources of funding and the amount requested from Story County Community Foundation
Include only costs pertinent to the project.
Include the specific portion of the project Story County Community Foundation funds would be used for
A copy of the organization’s 501(c)(3) designation letter
A list of the organization’s Board of Directors with contact information including e-mail addresses
If your request is for an educational purpose, explain how newly obtained information will be disseminated within your organization
The applicant must have a fund established with Story County Community Foundation. Grants are made only to charitable organizations with a 501(c) (3) status, or to government agencies. Geographically, funding is limited to projects that will significantly improve the Story County community.
Grant applications for projects that increase the ability of the organization to grow its funds held under the umbrella of Story County Community Foundation. Examples of projects that could meet this criterion include (but are not limited to) those that:
Strengthen the Board of Directors and governance of the organization, through training or assistance from an expert in the field.
Assist in strategic thinking and planning for the future of the organization.
Build a plan for long-term sustainability and reliable funding streams.
Build technology systems to meet future development needs and accountability.
Develop a marketing plan to build future sustainability.
Or other similar use that will further the organization’s capacity to grow their funds held under the umbrella of Story County Community Foundation.
The Story County Community Foundation awards the Small Business and Entrepreneurship grants to encourage new entrepreneurs and to grow small businesses located in Story County.
Grant Information:
Applications must include the following information:
The specific need the funding will address.
Anticipated results of the project and how it impacts the future of the organization.
Timeline for the project.
Budget, including other sources of funding and the amount requested from Story County Community Foundation.
Include only costs pertinent to the project.
Include the specific portion of the project Story County Community Foundation funds would be used for.
A copy of the business’ IRS designation letter.
A list of the Staff with contact information including e-mail addresses.
The City of McCallsburg will be the Fiscal Sponsor for this grant. Funds will be directed to the City of McCallsburg and the City will distribute the funds to the grant recipient.
Grant Information:
Applications must include the following information:
The specific need the funding will address.
Anticipated results of the project and how it impacts the future of the organization.
Timeline for the project.
Budget, including other sources of funding and the amount requested from Story County Community Foundation.
A copy of the business’ IRS designation letter.
A list of the Board of Directors with contact information including e-mail addresses.
The McCallsburg, Iowa Legacy Grant is only available to a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) or government entity located in McCallsburg, Iowa for programs or projects solely for the benefit of the residents of McCallsburg, Iowa.
No other requests for these funds will be considered.
Final grant reports be submitted to the Story County Community Foundation when the project is completed or by August 31st following the annual awards reception. Final reports should detail how this project helped the community or population served. If possible, detail more than numbers of participants, but also the outcomes for the community or population. Typically, outcomes represent an achievement or a change in behavior, skills, knowledge, attitude, and status or life condition of participants. Include impact stories, pictures and testimonials. Story County Community Foundation may use this information in its promotional materials and/or on our website.
Capital expenditure is defined as a long-term expense rather than an annual expense. It may be real estate, bricks and mortar (including new construction, facilities, remodeling, painting, improvements, equipment and acquiring an existing structure) and permanent fixtures added either to a structure or to real estate. Capital projects are encouraged. Mark the appropriate box on the application. This is not the same as a capital fundraising campaign, a time-limited effort to raise significant dollars for a specific project, which generally would not be considered for funding.
An organization that receives the money on behalf of the grant applicant and is responsible for disbursing the money for the project and maintaining appropriate documentation. This entity must be a 501(c)(3) or a 170(c)(1) unit of government in order to serve in this capacity. In searching for a fiscal sponsor, seek out an organization that benefits in some way from being associated with your project or has interest in your project or organization. A fiscal sponsorship agreement must accompany the grant application if a fiscal sponsor is being used.
The Story County Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines and operates under the 501 (c) (3) designation of the CFGDSM.